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Passive voice





Hello everybody!

Hoy nos vamos a ocupar de la voz pasiva. Aunque en un primer momento sea algo que pueda sonarnos complicado no es así para nada. Si se controla bien como se forman los diferentes tiempos verbales en inglés, es todo tan sencillo como conjugar en esos tiempos el verbo TO BE y añadir el participio pasado del verbo.


Además de fijarnos en el tiempo en que va conjugado el verbo, debemos localizar el complemento directo de la oración activa, ya que este va a pasar el sujeto paciente de la oración en voz pasiva.

Por último, el sujeto se convertirá en el complemento agente de la pasiva precedido de la preposición BY.

Seguramente todo esto no os haya aclarado mucho, vamos a ver un ejemplo sencillo y lo vamos a transformar en voz pasiva.

      The children broke a window

Veis que el ejemplo tiene diferentes colores. Esos nos van a facilitar que podáis entender mejor los cambios que hay que hacer…o al menos eso es lo que pretendo. Solo tenéis que seguir los colores RISAS

1º Primero vemos que el verbo está en pasado simple. Entonces vamos a tener que conjugar el verbo to be en pasado simple. Seguido del participio pasado del verbo (break). En este caso el participio pasado es broken.

Recuerda: El participio pasado de un verbo regular se forma añadiendo -ed al verbo. Si el verbo es irregular tendremos que ir a la 3ª columna de la lista de los verbos irregulares.

2º Localizamos el complemento directo (a window) y este es el que va a ser el nuevo sujeto de la oración pasiva.

3º Por último el sujeto de la oración activa (The children) se convertirá en el complemento agente de la pasiva.

Ahora que ya lo tenemos todo localizado solo tenemos que hacer la transformación:

A window was broken by the children.

La voz pasiva se usa habitualmente en inglés. Se usa para resaltar la acción y restar así importancia a quien la realiza, por eso en muchas ocasiones el complemento agente no aparece. Esto principalmente sucede cuando quien realiza la acción es obvio, se desconoce o simplemente no queremos que se sepa.

Os dejo algunos ejemplos más con diferentes tiempos verbales para que veais que pasarlos a la voz pasiva no es tan complicado. Fijaros en los colores para ver los cambios hechos. Después os dejo unos ejercicios para que practiquéis.

Amy is writing an email An email is being written by Amy.

The postman has given me the letter The letter has been given me by the postman.

The waiter will bring the bill The bill will be brought by the waiter.

The students are going to organize a contest A contest is going to be organized

 Espero que hayáis cogido la mecánica de los cambios. Como veis simplemente se trata de poner el verbo to be en el tiempo en el que está el verbo en la activa, añadir el participio pasado y cambiar sujeto y complemento directo.

Para recordar la estructura de los principales tiempos ingles os dejo aquí un cuadro que encontré en www. y me ha parecido muy interesante para compartir y que sirva para recordaros como su forman los verbos. Espero que os ayude.

 Ahora os dejo unos ejercicios para que practiquéis.


Wayne delivers the mail every day.

Fire destroyed that house.

The audience enjoyed the concert very much.

Bob took that book from the desk.

Walter will eat the cake.

Beth has finished the report.

Mr Duke will leave the tickets at the box office.

The messenger has just left a box of flowers for you.

The police easily captured the thief.

Many people attended the lectura.

Mr Jones manages the export división.

John returned the money last night.

They started a dancing class last week.

Mr Smith saw the accident.

He left the reporto n the desk.

Everybody will see this film soon.

He has just finished the report.

An economic crisis followed the war.

Somebody has taken my book.

The teacher returned our written work to us.

Valerie buys books from that store.

She had finished the report by noon.

The mad dog bit the little boy.

The wind blows the fog away by midmorning.

The committee will choose you as its representative.

The maid broke the plate and the glass.

Tall telegraph poles lined the Street.

The newspapers reported the event immediately.

We heard the sound of music.

The police have arrested five suspects.

The neighborhood children discovered our club.

Lightning struck the house.

The postman is delivering the mail now.

The police are holding him to further questioning.

The citizens are defending the city bravely.

Congress is debating that question today.

Fort he time being, Karen is teaching that group.

The company is shipping the merchandise today.

They are sending my aunt to Europe on a special mission.

 Seguro que no habéis tenido muchos problemas en transformar las oraciones, pero como ya os dije, aquí os dejo las soluciones. En próximas entradas os iré poniendo más ejercicios algo mas complicados para que pueda servir para aquellos que tenga niveles algo más avanzados. ¡Vamos superando las dificultades paso a paso! 😉


The mail is  delivered by Wayne every day.

That house was destroyed by fire.

The concert was enjoyed very much by the audience.

That book was taken from the desk by Bob.

The cake will be eaten  by Walter.

The report has been finished by Beth.

The tickets will be leave at the box office by Mr Duke..

A box of flowers has just been  left  for you by the messenger.

The thief  was easily captured by  the police.

The lecture was attended by many people.

The export división is managed by Mr Jones.

The maney was returned by John last night.

A dancing class was started (by them) last week.

The accident was seen by Mr Smith.

The report was left  on the desk (by him).

This film will soon be seen (by everybody).

The report has just been finished (by him).

The war was  followed by an economic crisis.

My book has been taken (by somebody).

Our written work  was returned  to us by the teacher.

Books are bought  from that store by Valerie.

The report had been finished  by noon.

The little boy was bitten by the mad dog.

The fog is blown away by the wind by midmorning.

You will be chosen by the committee as its representative.

The plate and the glass were broken by the maid.

The street is lined by  the tal telegraph poles.

The event was immediately reported by the newspapers.

The sound of music was heard by us.

Five suspects have been by the police.

Our club was discovered by the neighborhood children.

The house was struck by lightning.

The mail is being delived now by the postman.

He is being held  to further questioning.

The city is being defended bravely by the citizens.

That question is being debated by Congress today.

For the time being, that group is being  taught  by Karen.

The merchandise is being shipped by the company today.

My aunt is being sent  to Europe (by them) on a special mission.


Next week we’ll be here with another post. Now you know…Click and share! 😸




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