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Reading: Holiday

                                                     From: Internet

Recordando nuestras vacaciones más recientes, hoy os dejo unos textos y sus ejercicios de comprensión para ir adaptándonos al nuevo curso y de paso ir refrescando el vocabulario. En este caso se trata de textos muy sencillos que seguro que no presentan grandes dificultades de comprensión.


It was a great holiday. The weather was good -really hot. The best thing was that our apartment was only 100 metres from the beach. I got up eight every day and had a swim before breakfast. There weren’t many people on the beach and the sea was blue and clear. The children were fine. It was good  to be in an apartment and not some big, noisy hotel with people everywhere. I travel a lot for my job, and stay in good hotels, so I don’t want to stay in one when I’m on holiday. I don't even want to eat in restaurants much. I do too much of that when I travel. Maria and I did the cooking and shopping together, so that was all right. We spent most days on the beach. It was good to lie in the sun, get Brown and play with the children. We were two miles from the nearest village. That was good too. Good to be alone with the family for two weeks.


I enjoyed the holiday. It’s a beautiful place and the food is wonderful. But it i’s too hot in August, so I didn’t sleep well. And the baby woke me every night at about four! Mike Never went to him. It was always me. But the children were good  and they loved being near the beach. So did I -it was wonderful! And the sea was so clear! But next time I was to stay in a hotel. I’m tired of shopping and cooking every day. I don’t think Mike understands that he was very good and  helped me with it, but  I have to do it every day at home. He  doesn’t! Also, the nearest village was too far away and there was almost no one on the beach. I like meeting people, but there was no one to meet! But it is a beautiful place. We’ll go back next year and stay in a hotel in town. And we’ll go in June when it’s not so hot.
                        From: Instant lessons. Penguin books.

Answer the questions.

1.    Which person wrote text A? Which person wrote text B?
2.    What are their names? What is their relationship?
3.    What do we learn about the husband’s job?
4.    Why does the woman want to go back next year in June?

What do the underlined words mean?

1.    I don’t want to stay in one when I’m on holiday.
2.    I do too much of that when I travel.
3.    Mike never went to him -it was always me.
4.    So did I -it was wonderful!
5.    He was very good and helped me with it.

 Next week We’ll be here with another post. Now you know…Click and share!😸


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