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Christmas superstitions




Un año más aquí tenemos las navidades. La entrada de hoy la vamos a dedicar a ver qué tipo de supersticiones tienen los ingleses en estas fiestas. Aquí os dejo algunas de ellas que he reunido de varios sitios de internet y estas me han parecido las más curiosas.


In the original superstition, the one who avoids a kiss under the mistletoe will have bad luck but the first person under the mistletoe is meant to present the second person with a mistletoe berry. Once the berries are gone, the kissing stops.


Holly is protective magic against witches and lightning and is brought in during the holiday season for that purpose. Another superstition is that if the holly is smooth, the wife will be the master, while if the holly is prickly, the husband will be, so cautious couples bring in both!

Yule log

The Yule log should be big enough to keep burning all night otherwise there it means bad luck for the year ahead. Tradition has it that you then sit around telling ghost stories and drinking mulled wine on Christmas eve in front of the Yule fire.

Christmas carols

Carolling is the old tradition of going to people’s houses and singing Christmas songs for them. Never turn them away without some food, some money or a drink or you will suffer bad luck for the rest of the year. Singing Christmas carols at any time other than during the festive season is unlucky.

Mince pies

Eat as many mince pies as you can on Christmas Eve , because the amount will determine how much luck you’ll have for the following  year – so eat up!. Don’t cut them with a knife but rather bite into them or you will ruin your luck.

Christmas pudding

Stirring the Christmas pudding is good luck and if you are looking to get married the following year, you should stir it at least three times.

Red hair

On New Year’s Day it’s considered bad luck if the first visitor at your house has red hair. Best luck comes from a knock at the door by a man you don’t know with black hair.


Remember to take down each one of the Christmas decorations before the end of the evening of 5 January. It’s seen as bad luck to keep trimmings up after Twelfth Night.

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