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Question words

Después de haber hablado en post anteriores de las question tags y las subject and object questions, en este vamos a ver las llamadas Wh-questions.
Se llaman así a las preguntas que comienzan con una question word como who, what, where, etc. Se emplean para obtener información sobre algo. La estructura que sigue este tipo de preguntas, sería el siguiente:

            question word + auxiliary / modal + subject + verb…?

Las question words serían las siguientes:
  • People: who / whose: “Who that girl?” “My sister”.
  • Things: what / wich: “What is that” “It’s my new phone”.
  • Place: where: “Where did you go yesterday?” “To the cinema”.
  • Time: when / how long(ago) / how often: When did he move house? “”Last month”.
  • Quantity / number: how much / how many: How many books dis you buy?” “Two”.
  • Manner: how: How did you come back home?” “By bus”.
  • Reason: why: “Why did you go to the party?” “Because I was very tired”.
  • Age: how old: “How old are you’” “Thirty”.
  • Distance: how far: “How far is it to the cinema?” “About ten minutes’ walk”.


Os dejo aquí un video de youtube de las question words

                                       Fuente: woodwardenglish. com. youtube

Después de este repaso, solo queda la práctica con algunos ejercicios.

Make questions to which the words in the bold are the answers.

  1. They went to New York.
  2. It takes four hours to get there.
  3. I didn’t think much of it.
  4. He earns a hundred pounds a week.
  5. He (Tom) was fined ten pounds.
  6. It (my room) is twice as big as yours.
  7. They left the country ten years ago.
  8. They came by bus.
  9. I’ve been here for two months.
  10. They (the students) went to the museum yesterday.
  11. It (the car) does fifty to the gallon.
  12. He met her in a coffee bar.
  13. They (the neighbours) complained about the smell.
  14. He (the clerk) made him fill up a form.
  15. The pigs ate them (the apples).
  16. He got in by climbing over the wall.
  17. John bought them (the tickets).
  18. They (the desks) were very old-fashioned.
  19. I smoke forty (cigarettes) a day.
  20. It (hotel) was awful.

Make questions of the following sentences by replacing the colored words. The colored words are the answers.
1. George is sleeping.       What is George doing?
2. Dr. Fine is going to the hospital.
3. George studies geography at the library on Saturdays.
4. The cat is drinking milk.
5. Mike is playing tennis this afternoon.
6. Sandra usually goes to bed at 11:00 p.m.
7. Our friends are going to paint their house  next week.
8. John is studying chinese at the university this year.
9. His sister always goes home after class.
10. John is reading a newspaper in the park.
11. Mr. Wise generally corrects the homework in his office.
12. Bob has to see his teacher in his office at the three o’clock.

Choose the correct answer.
  1. Who spoke to Paul?
  1. Paul spoke to Mary.
  2. Mary spoke to Paul.
  1. What did Helen give you?
  1. Helen gave me a book.
  2. I gave Helen a book.
  1. Who invited Sheila to the party?
  1. Sheila invited Bob to the party.
  2. Bob invited Sheila to the party.
  1. Who was Jane looking for?
  1. Jane was looking for Peter.
  2. Peter was looking for Jane.
  1. What was in the box?
  1. The dress was in the box.
  2. The box was in the dress.
  1. Who likes children?
  1. I like children.
  2. Children like me.
Espero que os haya resultado útil. Os espero aquí la semana que viene con otro post. Click and share!😸


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