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Pronouns: personal pronouns and possessives

Fuente: internet




Subject pronouns son los pronombres que funcionan como sujeto de las oraciones. En inglés ya sabéis que su uso es obligatorio. Como sujeto van antes de los verbos, lo que los diferencia de los object pronouns que van colocados detrás de los verbos y de las preposiciones, funcionando como complemento directo o indirecto:
            He is writing a letter for her
            I can’t find my keys. Have you seen them?


Possessive adjectives
Possessive pronouns

Possessive adjectives ► Recordad que se refieren al poseedor de algo y no a lo poseído. No presentan dificultad excepto cuando nos referimos a la 3ª persona, que es donde se nos pueden liar un poco las cosas: his / her / its.
Recordemos que his es el que usamos para referirnos a un poseedor masculino, her el que se refiere a un poseedor femenino y cuando se trata de una cosa o un animal usamos its:
            Her brother is a lawyer
            It’s his new car.
Con respecto a cómo se usan, solo hay que recorder que son invariables, es decir que si el nombre al que acompañan es singular o plural no va a cambiar la forma del posesivo:
            My book is on the table.
            My books are on the table.
Como veis, los adjetivos posesivos van siempre acompañados de un sustantivo.
Usamos los adjetivos posesivos con las partes de cuerpo y la ropa:
            He put on his jacket and left.

Pronouns ► Como veis, los pronombres posesivos son muy fáciles de recordar ya que se forman añadiendo –s al adjetivo posesivo correspondiente; excepto la primera persona: mine.
            The red car is mine.
Es la tercera persona la que como hemos visto con los adjetivos, que debemos especificar si el poseedor es él o ella.
Los pronombres posesivos responden a la pregunta whose?:
            Whose that book? It’s mine.

Es importante diferenciar its ≠ it’s:
Its → adjetivo posesivo: The cat is licking its paw.
It’s → equivale a it is o it has:
It’s raining
It has (got) two bathrooms.

Como habéis visto ninguno supone diferencias con el español, pero requiere práctica y es lo que vamos a hacer ahora con una serie de ejercicios que os propongo.

         Fuente: Essential grammar in use


Choose the correct personal pronoun.
  1. I often see they / us on the bus.
  2. She lives near we / us.
  3. We / us always walk to school together.
  4. He teaches we / us English.
  5. She sits near I / me during the lesson.
  6. I know both of they / them well.
  7. I always speak to he / him in English.
  8. What is the matter with he / him today?
  9. He explains the lesson to we / us each morning.
  10. There are some letters here for you and I / me.
  11. We want to divide the money between we / us.
  12. They / them are both Venezuelans.
  13. I know her sister and she / her.
  14. He / him is a very studious person.
  15. He sends she / her a lot of presents.
  16. She seldom speaks to we / us is Spanish.
  17. He looks at she / her all during the lesson.
  18. She always helps I / me with my homework.
  19. He always sits between Amy and I / me.
  20. He wants to talk with they / them.

Substitute the correct object pronoun.
  1. I sit near Carla and Mary during the lesson.
  2. All the boys like the English teacher very much.
  3. I often see you and your sister in the school cafeteria.
  4. He always goes to the movies with his parents.
  5. I know both boys very well.
  6. Frank always waits for Al and me after the lesson.
  7. He drives Sue and Cal to school every morning.
  8. I sit next to Carlos.
  9. I also sit in front of Sheila.
  10. He writes a lot of letters to his relatives.

Complete the following sentences with the possessive adjective which refers to the subject of the sentence.
  1. She knows……lesson well.
  2. Tom likes…….English class very much.
  3. I do…………..homework on the bus every day.
  4. Both girls prepare……….lessons well.
  5. Mary and I do……….homework together.
  6. The dog wags………tail when it sees………dinner dish.
  7. The children take………toys to the park.
  8. Each cat has………own dish for food and water.
  9. Both boys ride………bicycles to school.
  10. We enjoy……….English class.

Correct the sentences.
  1. Yesterday you saw I and Susan at the restaurant.
  2. Can you lend we your car?
  3. Mark told Mary that him hated she.
  4. Me forgot to call they.
  5. You could have told we what to do.
  6. I think Jerry invited they to his birthday party.
  7. Me want you to go to the sea with we.
  8. Elizabeth says her is too tired to go out.
  9. I called she but she wasn’t home.
  10. Him was very upset because him failed his exam.

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