Vamos a ver si podemos dejar las cosas un poco más claras con este post de hoy.😉
TRAVEL. Puede ser sustantivo, adjetivo y verbo. Como sustantivo, se refiere al desplazamiento de un lugar a otro. Es lo que traducimos en español como ‘viaje’.
Travel nowadays is faster than before.
Como adjetivo, acompaña al sustantivo y lo podemos traducir en español como ‘de viaje’. Lo encontramos formando parte de compuestos:
travel documents travel expenses travel agency air travel travelling exhibition |
travel sickness traveller’s cheques travel agents travelling people |
There is a travel agency beside the bank
Como verbo, es su uso más frecuente al que nos referimos con el término más general de ‘viajar’.
He travels a lot in his job.
She has travelled around the world.
Seguramente alguno se puede preguntar ¿cuándo se dobla la consonante? Las formas traveller / travelling o traveler / traveling son todas correctas, simplemente la diferencia de una forma o de otra es el idioma que estes usando: si es el inglés británico (traveller/travelling) o el inglés americano (traveler/traveling). En inglés americano se simplifica usando la forma sin doblar, mientras que en el británico lo correcto es doblar la consonante.
JOURNEY. Lo vamos usar para referirnos a la duración de un ‘viaje’, el trayecto, el viaje en concreto sin importar la distancia.
The journey from Madrid to Rome is about two hours
El plural de journey es journeys.
TRIP. Es el sustantivo que usamos cuando nos referimos a un viaje de corta duración, incluso cuando nos referimos a una excursión. Sería la forma que usaríamos cuando queremos traducir ‘escapada’.
He went to Malaga on a business trip
VOYAGE. Con esta, nos referimos a un viaje de larga duración, normalmente por mar. Para evitar confusiones con los anteriores, lo podemos traducir como ‘travesía’ ya que el viaje, como he dicho, se hace por mar.
The voyage ended with two days of tourism in Venice.
TOUR. Se usa para hablar de un viaje organizado, generalmente en grupo, en el que vamos a recorrer un itinerario a preestablecido.
My sister is going on a tour around Ireland.
Cuando queremos traducir ‘hacer un viaje’ en inglés, sería correcto traducirlo, según lo explicado anteriormente: make a trip
make a voyage
make a journey
pero NO make a travel
¿Habéis tomado nota?
Después de la explicación os dejo aquí un video de YouTube y un Reading que encontré que me ha parecido interesante como práctica de vocabulario.
From: YouTube
From:woodward English
Read the article about travel and tourism.
Think for a minute
Travel and tourism
Getting away from it all?
What’s the difference between travel and tourism? Well, being a traveler is more than just being a holidaymaker. A holiday is just a short time away, and it normally involves relaxation. Tourists stay in holiday resorts, not travelers. Travellers go for the experience and their journeys are usually much longer and more challenging. For example, travelers tend to avoid tourist traps and like to go off the beaten track to discover new places. Travel is an age-old phenomenon, but tourism is a relatively recent invention. Thomas Cook is often described as the first travel agent because he arranged the “package tour”: a 19-kilometre trip for 500 people, in 1841.
Going overseas in order to experience a different way of life is what many people think of as travel, but travel does not necessarily mean going abroad. How many people can say they have visited every part of their own country? Many people who live in vast countries such as Russia and the USA have only visited a small part of their own country, and so domestic travel is also very exciting. It’s a surprising fact that about 75 percent of US citizens do not own a passport, so travelling does not mean leaving the country for them.
Some people can’t travel or don’t like the physical reality of travelling to faraway destinations. These days it is easy to be an “armchair traveler”. People can visit distant corners of the world or even little known parts of their own country without leaving their living rooms. Television documentaries make the world a small place and some people argue that travel is no longer necessary. Perhaps soon people will use interactive computer programmes and virtual travel will become common. Enthusiasts argue that by doing this we will have all the benefits of travel without the inconvenience.
Read the article quickly and choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph. (There are two extra headlings).
a. Virtual tourism d. Holiday at home
b. Tourist or traveller? e. Holiday problems
c. Most popular destinations
Read the article again and answer the questions.
1. How is a traveller different from a tourist? Give three examples.
2. How did tourism start?
3. What does the text say about people who live in large countries?
4. What is ‘an armachair traveller’?
5. How has televisión affected attitudes to travel?
6. How could travel develop in the future?
I’ll be here again with another post. Click and share!😸
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