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Possession exercises

Ya hemos visto la teoría correspondiente a cómo expresar la posesión en inglés, así es vamos a pasar ahora a ponerlo en práctica con unos sencillos ejercicios que os ayuden a memorizar las normas y el uso. Al final del post os dejo las soluciones de los ejercicios por si tenéis alguna duda pero procurar hacerlos sin tener que mirar.

  1. Complete with have(got), has (got), is, are:
Peter and Jane…………four children.
Tom…………Lisa’s brother.
Mike…………sixteen years old.
Nicole…………two children.
Mike and Helen…………twins.
Peter and Jane…………two nephews.
I…………two brothers.
Harry and Peter………….cousins.

  1. Write the sentences without contractions. Is it ‘s (genitive case) or ‘s (to be)?
It’s hot today.
John’s a teacher in the university.
John’s wife’s a housewife.
My sister’s very beautiful.

  1. Add ‘s or the s’.
The men families → The men’s families.
Those girls friends.
Her babies toys.
The people names.
Heidi and John son.

  1. Underline the correct word.
This is our/ours car.
Is this your/yours house?
Whose is this umbrella? It’s my/mine.
That bicycle is hers/her.
Are these their/theirs books?
Whose are these boots? Are they your/yours?
This is mine/my new camera.
Is that her/hers dog?
These aren’t our/ours pens. They are your/yours.
She’s mine/my sister. Her/hers name is Anna.

  1. Choose the right item.
………..are green.
A. The eyes of Helen     B. Helen’s eyes        C. Helens’ eyes
……….is old.
A. My father’s car           B. My fathers’ car     C. The car of my father
……….are dirty.
A. The shoes of the girls           B. The girls shoes    C. The girls’ shoes
This is………..hamster.
A. Peter               B. Peters’                  C. Peter’s
Is this………..?
A. Melanies’ house        B. The house of Melanie     C. Melanie’s house
…………is Pippin.
A. My cat’s name           B . My cats name      C. My cats’ name
…………are red.
A. The trees leaves        B. The tree’s leaves     C. The leaves of the tree

  1. The possessive ‘s.
The books of the men ► The men’s books
The bikes of the women.
The toys of the children.
The shirt of Anna.
The bag of Jane.
The chair of the teacher.
The ice cream of the children.
The sandwich of Marco.
The milk of the cat.
The cousin of Miriam.
The children of Tom.
The father of Susan.
The house of my uncle.
The car of Angela.
The house of my family.
The book of Helen.
The computer of Helen.
The bedroom of the boys.
The coat of my aunt.
The baby of John and Mary.
The book of the woman.
The bicycle of my brother.
The dog of Thomas.

  1. Say if the ‘s is a genitive case, is or has.
Kim’s got a pet.
This is Mr Dixon’s house.
Look at Steve’s shoes.
She’s in France.
He’s ten years old.
Go to Mr Baker’s shop.
Feed Helen’s rabbit.
She’s a doctor.
Darren’s hair is black.
He’s got a blue ball.

  1. Underline the correct word.
  1. I’ve left my/mine wallet at home. 
  2. Ours/Our video recorder is not working. Grandmother is lending us her/hers for a few days.
  3. Mine/My passport has expired. I need to get a new one.
  4. The Smiths’ house is the third from the left. And the car that is parked outside is their/theirs, too.
  5. John and Patrick aren’t at home but their/theirs cars are in the garage.
  6. Don’t was your hair with that shampoo. It’s mine/my.

Espero que estos ejercicios hayan servido para practicar y aclarar posibles dudas, ahora toca que compartáis. See you next week! Click and share!😸

Ahora como os dije tenéis aquí la solución de los ejercicios.

  1. Complete with have(got), has (got), is, are:
Peter and Jane have (got) four children.
Tom is Lisa’s brother.
Mike is sixteen years old.
Nicole has (got) two children.
Mike and Helen are twins.
Peter and Jane have (got) two nephews.
I have (got) two brothers.
Harry and Peter are cousins.

  1. Write the sentences without contractions. Is it ‘s (genitive case) or ‘s (to be)?
It’s hot today. It is hot today.
John’s a teacher in the university. John is a teacher in the university.
John’s wife’s a housewife. The wife of John is a housewife.
My sister’s very beautiful. My sister is very beautiful.

  1. Add ‘s or the s’.
The men families → The men’s families.
Those girls friends. Those girls’ friends.
Her babies toys. Her babies’ toys.
The people names. The people’s names.
Heidi and John son. Heidi and John’s son.

  1. Underline the correct word.
This is our/ours car.
Is this your/yours house?
Whose is this umbrella? It’s my/mine.
That bicycle is hers/her.
Are these their/theirs books?
Whose are these boots? Are they your/yours?
This is mine/my new camera.
Is that her/hers dog?
These aren’t our/ours pens. They are your/yours.
She’s mine/my sister. Her/hers name is Anna.

  1. Choose the right item.
………..are green.
A. The eyes of Helen     B. Helen’s eyes        C. Helens’ eyes
……….is old.
A. My father’s car           B. My fathers’ car     C. The car of my father
……….are dirty.
A. The shoes of the girls           B. The girls shoes    C. The girls’ shoes
This is………..hamster.
A. Peter               B. Peters’                  C. Peter’s
Is this………..?
A. Melanies’ house        B. The house of Melanie     C. Melanie’s house
…………is Pippin.
A. My cat’s name           B . My cats name      C. My cats’ name
…………are red.
A. The trees leaves        B. The tree’s leaves     C. The leaves of the tree

  1. The possessive ‘s.
The books of the men ► The men’s books
The bikes of the women. The women’s bikes.
The toys of the children. The children’s toys.
The shirt of Anna. Anna’s shirt.
The bag of Jane. Jane’s bag.
The chair of the teacher. The teacher’s chair.
The ice cream of the children. The children’s ice cream.
The sandwich of Marco. Marco’s sandwich.
The milk of the cat. The cat’s milk.
The cousin of Miriam. Miriam’s cousin.
The children of Tom. Tom’s children.
The father of Susan. Susan’s father.
The house of my uncle. My uncle’s house.
The car of Angela. Angela’s car.
The house of my family. My family’s house.
The book of Helen. Helen’s book.
The computer of Helen. Helen’s computer.
The bedroom of the boys. The boys’ bedroom.
The coat of my aunt. My aunt’s coat.
The baby of John and Mary. John and Mary’s baby.
The book of the woman. The woman’s book.
The bicycle of my brother. My brother’s bicycle.
The dog of Thomas. Thomas’ dog.

  1. Say if the ‘s is a genitive case, is or has.
Kim’s got a pet. has
This is Mr Dixon’s house. genitive case
Look at Steve’s shoes. genitive case
She’s in France. is
He’s ten years old. is
Go to Mr Baker’s shop. genitive case
Feed Helen’s rabbit. genitive case
She’s a doctor. is
Darren’s hair is black. genitive case
He’s got a blue ball. has

  1. Underline the correct word.
  2. I’ve left my/mine wallet at home. 
  3. Ours/Our video recorder is not working. Grandmother is lending us her/hers for a few days.
  4. Mine/My passport has expired. I need to get a new one.
  5. The Smiths’ house is the third from the left. And the car that is parked outside is their/theirs, too.
  6. John and Patrick aren’t at home but their/theirs cars are in the garage.
  7. Don’t was your hair with that shampoo. It’s mine/my.


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