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will and be going to

Hoy vamos a comenzar una serie de entradas en las que nos vamos a centrar en cómo expresar el futuro en inglés. Y para comenzar, hoy nos centraremos en el futuro simple (will + verb) y la forma (be going to + verb).



S + will + verb + C
S + will not (won’t) + C
will + S + C?
Short answers
Yes, S + will
No, S + won’t

A estas formas de la forma will le seguiría el verbo correspondiente en infinitivo sin to y recordar que el sujeto con la forma will se puede contraer (‘ll):
            We’ll pass our exams
            We won’t pass our exams
            Will we pass our exams? Yes, we will / No, we wont


S + am/is/are + going to + verb + C
S + am/is/are + not + going to + verb + C
am/is/are + S + going to + verb + C?
Short answers
Yes, S + am/is/are
No, S + am/is/are not

            They are going to play tennis
            They aren’t going to play tennis.
            Are they goint to play tennis? Yes, they are / No, they aren’t

                                           From: youtube

En el siguiente cuadro vemos cuando debemos usar cada uno de ellos:

Willingness (rapid decisión):
I’m hungry. I think I’ll buy a pizza. (at the present moment)
Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone.
plans or intentions (The plans were made before the momento of speaking)
I’m going to play football this afternoon with my friends.
That box looks heavy. I’ll help you with it.
predictions (evidence/signs; when there are signs that something is likely to happen)
Look at  the sky! I’s going to rain.
She won’t listen to anything I say.

Future fact:
The sun Will set at 7.00 pm tonight.

I think you’ll pass you exam.

Treat or warnings:
Be quiet or I’ll send you out!

with verbs:
hope, think, believe, expect

I’m sure…/ I’m afraid

probably / perhaps..

Time expressions:
tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week/month/year, tonight, soon, in a week/month/year., tomorrow morning/afternoon, on + day of the week, next + day of the week…

¿Qué os parece si ahora lo ponemos en práctica? Pues para ellos os dejo aquí unos ejercicios.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct formo f Will or going to and the verbs in brackets:
1. When we get home, we (have) dinner.
2. I know they (feel) very happy if they win the match.
3. The weather forecast is Good for the next few days. It (be) very sunny.
4. I can’t come on the match tomorrow. I ((look after) my cousins.
5. In the future, I think humans (wipe out) many different species.
6. He is buying some butter and eggs because he (make) a cake later.
7. In five years time, I (be) at university.
8. Their suitcase are packed. They (go) on holiday.
9. If w ego to London, we (take) lots of photos.
10. It’s very late! Hurry up or we (be) late for work.
11. Look at that boy at the top of that tree! He (fall).
12. I’m sure they (lose) the match.
13. It’s a secret! Ok I (not tell) anyone.
14. I’m thirsty I (get) you a glass of wáter.

2. Make sentences, as in the example

miss the train            make some tea                 change it
shout at us                take some photos             play in the snow
fall off                        sell his houses                   make a cake

1. The car has got a flat tyre. He is going to change it.
2. Mum’s looking at a récipe. She………………
3. Helen has got her camera. She……………..
4. They are putting up a “For Sale” sign. They……………..
5. They are late. They………………
6. Their father looks angry! He……………..
7. Look! The Ladder is broken. Oh no, he…………….
8. They’re putting their hats and gloves on. They……………..
9. My grandmother is putting the kettle on. She…………….

From: @pnts

We’ll be here next week! And now…click and share! 😸


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