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Vocabulary: The body



 Vamos a recordar hoy el vocabulario relacionado con las partes del cuerpo. En la entrada de hoy aprovecho para que sirva para varios niveles de inglés, incluso para los niños, así todos podéis adaptarlo al propósito que queráis.





eye – ojo

nose – nariz

ear – oreja

mouth boca

lip – labio

cheek – mejilla

chin – barbilla

forehead – frente

eyebrow – ceja

eyelash – pestaña

eyelid – párpado

jaw – mandíbula

tooth – diente (teeth- dientes)

tongue – lengua

pupil – pupila

iris - iris

head – cabeza

body – cuerpo

neck – cuello

shoulder – hombro

throat – garganta

chest – pecho

back – espalda

waist – cintura

stomach – estómago

hip – cadera

armpit – axila

arm – brazo

elbow – codo

forearm – antebrazo

toes – dedos del pie

heel – talón

instep – empaine

sole – planta del pie

leg – pierna

thigh – muslo

knee – muslo

calf – pantorrilla

ankle – tobillo

foot – pie (feet -pies)


wrist – muñeca

fist – puño

mano – hand

palm -palma

thumb – pulgar

finger – dedo

nail – uña




Para los que tienen ya algún nivel de ingles os dejo aquí algunos idioms relacionados con las partes del cuerpo:

 put your foot in your mouth – se usa cuando queremos decir que se ha hecho o dicho algo que ha ofendido a una persona

get off my back – se usa cuando te esa criticando lo que haces todo el tiempo

to have an eye for something – “Tener buen ojo”

cost an arm and a leg – cuando nos referimos a que algo es demasiado caro, lo que nosotros traducimos como “costar un riñón”.

give someone the cold shoulder – ignorar a alguien

a sight for sore eyes – cuando estamos muy contentos de ver a alguien o por algo

 have a firnger in every pie -  cuando decimos que alguien está metido en muchas cosas, nosotros lo podemos traducir “está en todas las salsas”.

open someone’s eyes – “abrirle los ojos a alguien”, hacerle ver la verdad a alguien.

off the top of my head – cuando dices algo sin pensar lo que dices, espontáneamente.

look down your nose – cuando alguien se cree mejor que los demás

play it by ear – improvisar o hacer las cosas sin preparación previa.

have eyes in the back of one’s head – estar alerta, estar pendiente de lo que sucede alrededor.

do something with one’s eyes closed - “hacer algo con los ojos cerrados”, hacer las cosas fácilmente.

 También relacionado con las partes del cuerpo nos encontramos con adjetivos compuestos. Estos adjetivos compuestos están formados a artir de partes del cuerpo, algunos de estos ejemplos os los dejo a continuación y además os dejo unas oraciones para que relacionéis algunos de esos adjetivos de las listas con ellas.























!. My boss is terribly……………, walking around as if he were holding his salary cheque between his knees. His wife’s quite the opposite:………….., as if she had just got off a horse.


2. I used to wear………….suits until I decided that one button was far more suitable for……………people such as myself.


3. My sister is so……………and…………….she reminds me of one of those long thin wine bottles.


4. He’s Scandinavian, so he’s…………..and………….., and looks far better in jeans than I do.


5. It looked as if United were going to return home…………..until Bradfield scored with an incredibly powerful………….shot from outside the penalty area.


6. Off we go on holiday with visions of returning…………..and beautiful, forgetting that we always come back……………and with peeling backs.


7. Hoskins, if you go on starting at that magazine any longer, you’ll go………… . Now either be………….., dear boy, and put it away or give it to me until the end of the lesson.


8. My boss is so……….., always looking as if he knew tomorrow was going to be the end of the world. And his wife is so…………; I have to keep a careful eye on my things when they come round to the house, or they just disappear.


9. Most………….tennis players seem to win more easily against right-handers. Taking of tennis players, aren’t those professionals a ………….bunch, shouting all the time about how great they are?


10. A lot of liberal, …………people find it difficult to accept that there is such a thing as murder.


KEY:   1. Knock-kneed, bow-legged    

            2. double-breasted, pot-bellied

            3. round-shouldered, narrow-waisted

            4. fair-haired, slim-hipped

            5. empty-handed, right-footed

            6. dark-skinned, red-faced

            7. cross-eyed, strong-willed

            8. sour-faced, light-fingered

            9. left-handed, big-headed

            10. broad-minded, cold-blooded

 Y ahora os dejo un ejercicio más apropiado para todos los niveles. Siguiendo las definiciones tenéis que buscar en la sopa de letras la palabra que corresponde a cada una de ellas.

 Most people have 32 of them and use them to eat………

The part of your body where food is digested after you’ve eaten it……….

When you cry or peel onions, they go red………..

When you sit down in the dentist’s chair, the dentist asks you to open this……..

It can be straight, wavy, or curly…………..

They’re half way down your legs…………

When you have a cold, it’s sometimes difficult to breathe through it and you can’t smell anything………….

A cat uses it to drink milk……………

There are five of these on each of your feet…………..

At the end of a concert, the audience does this to show they like what they’ve heard…..

When you want to show you’re happy, you do this…………….

In most countries you do this if you want to agree with something someone says without speaking…………….

We usually do this to flowers when we are given them…………..

In art galleries you mustn’t do this to the paintings or sculptures…………

You make this sound with your lips to attract someone’s attention in the street……..

Basketball players move the ball to each other by doing this………….

Food that has too much salt in it………….horrible!

We have two of these to hear……………..

You should swim a lot if you have problems with this part of your body…………

It’s a verb and it means to look at somebody or something for a long time………..



 Y si hay niños que quieran practicar os dejo aquí para que completen con las partes del cuerpo a Minnie Mouse o a Mickey Mouse.



Si os ha parecido interesante o que puede servirle a otros para repasar vocabulario ya sabéis…¡Compartid! Click and share! 😸



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